Year: 2021

Are You Being A Slacker?

Spiritual Disciplines for every believer
1. Praying – continuously
2. Reading the Bible – daily
3. Memorizing Scripture – often
4. Walking in the Spirit – constantly

Have you been living in fear?

If you exercise these three things that he’s given you, the Spirit of power and Spirit of love, the spirit of a sound mind, and Cast off the Spirit of fear, then you too will be able to say fear is not a factor for me.
Don’t let the world and the circumstances and everything else going on and all the turmoil and everything else. Don’t allow that stuff to put you in a box. Don’t let that stuff to put you into a place where you’re living in fear. You don’t have to live in fear.
It’s a choice that you make. You can live in the Spirit of power and the Spirit of love and the Spirit of a sound mind. And you can cast off that fear.

What your laziness does not want you to hear today

How is it that we can grow spiritually? How is it that we can develop spiritual disciplines in our lives? What do we need to do, to make that happen? and do that thing, whatever that is, it’s not comfortable. Good. I don’t want you to be comfortable. I don’t want you to go through your spiritual life Just being comfortable. You’re supposed to deny yourself. Denying yourself is uncomfortable. The Lord said you have to deny yourself. So, if you’re not denying yourself, you’re being lazy and you’re disobeying the Lord. Turn your laziness into discipline.

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