Category: Bible Study

Four steps to be blessed of the Lord

Did you know that there was a journal of Happiness studies? People are always searching for happiness and for different ways to achieve that happiness. If you Google “how to be happy:” you will get 4.4 BILLION results. In fact the afore mention journal (the journal of happiness studies) has an article on the Top 10 ways to be happy, but the Lord has the secret drilled down to Four easy steps..

How to deal with life’s problems

Sometimes things happen that just do not make any since, and it looks like the Lord is just siting back without concern, and we too, like Habakkuk, can get frustrated and confused. Today we are going to look at the steps that the Christian should take when this happens:

The Three-Fold Downfall of Saul

Saul had substituted saying for doing (1 Samuel 15:13)
Excuses for confessions (1 Samuel 15:15 and 21)
Sacrifice for obedience (1 Samuel 15:22)

Five Ways To Get Serious About your Prayer Life

It is clear in the scriptures that God wants and expects us to pray daily. However, most Christians have not incorporated a time of prayer into their daily schedule. Here are 5 ways to get serious about prayer.

Got Bible?

Just as the child is quick to hear his parent’s voice, and the mother to hear her baby’s smallest cry, so the believer should be quick to hear what God has to say.

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