How is it that we can grow spiritually? How is it that we can develop spiritual disciplines in our lives? What do we need to do, to make that happen? and do that thing, whatever that is, it’s not comfortable. Good. I don’t want you to be comfortable. I don’t want you to go through your spiritual life Just being comfortable. You’re supposed to deny yourself. Denying yourself is uncomfortable. The Lord said you have to deny yourself. So, if you’re not denying yourself, you’re being lazy and you’re disobeying the Lord. Turn your laziness into discipline.
If your foundations are set on the Lord and his words, you will Shout, Sing, Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord, and you will spread the Gospel. If your foundations are set on anything else, you will loose your shout, your love for singing, your ability to praise the Lord, and your witness. What are your foundations set upon?
13 Min Reading
Many times, in life we find ourselves in situations that we didn’t foresee that keep us from fulfilling our objectives. Sometimes the most routine of agendas turns out to be difficult if not impossible to accomplish. We can feel trapped in our circumstances and need help to escape. At other times we may be the help that someone else desperately needs.
10 Min Reading
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