Irvington Bible Baptist Church

Encouraging Word | August 21, 2022

Can God Interrupt You?

Proverbs 16:9 KJV

9 A man’s heart deviseth his way:

But the Lord directeth his steps.

Before rushing out of the house each morning,

•     our day is meticulously planned.

•     We are eager to check off our to-do list.

 But wait!

•     The phone suddenly rings.

•     There is an unexpected knock at the door.

•     The car tire is flat.

How do we react when our plans are interrupted?

•     frustration,

•     resentment,

•     anger

all these quickly rise to the surface

•     We have places to go

•     We have people to meet.

•     We do not have time for interruptions!

Have you ever considered that perhaps God has ordained our interruptions?

•     A friend could be calling in need of encouragement.

•     God knew you’d be just the right person to lift their spirits.

•     Maybe the knock on the door is a lost child seeking help.

•     Perhaps, just perhaps, God may be trying to get your attention.

There is nothing wrong with planning our day.

However, we have such limited vision.

God sees the big picture.

•     Be open.

•     Be flexible.

•     Allow God to change your plans

•     in order to accomplish His divine purposes.

 Instead of becoming frustrated,

•     look for ways the Lord might be working.

•     Be willing to join Him.

When you do,

•     interruptions can actually become blessings.

Our hope at Irvington Bible Baptist Church is that this podcast provided some encouragement and has helped you to develop a closer relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ.