Tag: Good Works

Who is your Mother?

  Mother’s day was celebrated last Sunday, If you are a mother, stepmother, guardian, grandmother, mother-in-law, or any other motherly role, please accept my sincere

Seven Judgments

Judgment is not a subject that most people enjoy thinking about, but judgment is coming, and sooner than most would want to recognize.  People look

Combating Pride

Pride will get you into trouble every time!  I have gotten myself into more mishaps than I care to remember because I thought or wanted to

Three Marks of a Good Leader

A good leader will lead from the front, a good leader does not push from the rear.  A good leader will lead by example, they

Help for the Blind

Asking for help isn’t something that most people enjoy doing.  We like to think that we can do it ourselves, whatever “it” is.  You notice

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